Votre panier est vide

mars 21, 2020 1 min read

We've seen what a virus can do to a country. Liberia defeated the Ebola crisis, but we took the necessary measures to flatten the curve.  We highly encourage our Tribe to learn from our loss to keep your loved ones healthy.


We also want to share with you what we are doing to ensure our work force in Liberia, Ghana and the US remains safe during the COVID-19 pandemic:


1. Before handling any product or entering the workspace, our staff is required to wash their hands.


2.All staff will avoid shaking of any hands.


3. If any staff are sick, they will remain home and we will work to have them tested by public health officials.


4. All online orders will be wiped down with disinfecting wipes prior to shipment.


We love our Tribe and we want us all to pull through this together.



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